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Monday, February 29, 2016

The Case For A Constitutional Revival

I'm going to cut right to the chase. In a nutshell, I think that Donald J. Trump is a living, breathing nightmare. If it comes down to Trump and Hillary or Sanders, I am stating unequivocally and without regret, I will not vote for the Donald. I cast my last vote for the (slightly) lesser of two evils for the last time in 2012. Never again.
I will vote for a third party like The Constitution or The Conservative Party and I'll be able to sleep well at night. I know that this will possibly, maybe even certainly, hand the election to an open Socialist or a closet Socialist; again, I cannot vote against my conscience any longer. As much as I despise Hillary and her philosophical ideology, and as criminally responsible as I think she is regarding a multitude of scandals, I'm not convinced that she is worse than Trump. 

Trump's supposed draw is that he's a truth-tellin', no-holds-barred straight shooter; however, he's been busted in more verifiable lies than just about any of the others on the campaign trail. Probably all of the Republicans combined! He has flip-flopped on multiple issues, sometimes turning 360° back to his original position. He's also a vindictive, crass, character assassin, who's morally and ethically bankrupt, and is prone to bouts of temperamental explosions; yet none of these facts seem to sway the typical Trump supporter. In fact, Trump came out and said that (according to some poll) 68% of his supporters won't be swayed for any reason. "This includes murder, anything." What does this say about what he thinks of his supporters?!? 

In short, I don't see how any of this makes for an effective Constitutional steward.  Look I get being angry. I am too. I get wanting change. So do I! We've been sold the "change" line for the past two terms and it's weakened our country immensely. But what Trump promises for us is a strongman --someone who claims he will right the wrongs and get the job done, no matter the costs or the tactics involved. There's generally not any Constitutional foundation underlying the actions of a strongman. It's been done in history before; it rarely ends well, if ever.  

I believe our country AS WE KNOW IT will not survive another term of off-the-rails unconstitutional "leadership". Now that doesn't mean we become some kind of anarchy like in "The Walking Dead". But it does mean that this country that has stood for 230+ years, with the underlying principles espoused in the Constitution, will be forever altered and twisted, certainly for many generations to come. The last seven years have done a number on us. It won't take much more to completely lose all recognition of our Republic. I beg you, Trump supporters, to do some research into what this man has done and believed in the past, what he has said in the present, and what he intends for the future should he become the President of this fine nation. If you still find that you agree with his beliefs and methods, and believe his is the best shot we have in this country, then vote for him. But should you decide after that research, that you have been misled, there are at least two other ably capable candidates that have a chance of winning. I have my preference for one of them. You should decide for yourself who you think it should be. Pray for clarity and pray for our nation. We need the guiding Hand of God, now more than ever. Thank you for reading with an open mind, and God Bless. 


  1. Excellently written piece about many of us stand. I will never again vote for the lesser of 2 evils - because it is still evil and I too answer to God for how I use my vote.

    1. Absolutely Ann! I said this to a Trump supporting family member recently who used the, "but Hillary!!!" argument.

      "Just my opinion, but I cannot vote for evil just because it is not as evil as the other choice.".

      We've had enough death by slow degrees. And yes, God will hold us accountable for our actions, and that includes our vote. God bless, Ann, and keep standing strong!
