A Reckoning is Coming by Eric Power
14 years. 9-11-2001 was 14 years ago today. At times it seems like it was a thousand years ago and other times, like it was yesterday. God bless all those who perished and the families they left behind. God bless our soldiers who still fight to this day, this never-ending war against Evil. An evil, like ISIS, that has distilled itself into a demonic purity. Raping women. Children. Crucifying them.
Drowning Christians in shark cages, while videotaping their deaths. Immolation, decapitation; nothing is taboo for these cretins. This battle has never been more clear than it is today, yet it seems so muddy in the way that we compromise and negotiate and turn our heads from what we should be taking notice of. It's the epitome of irony that on this anniversary of 9-11, we are on the precipice of a deal with Iran, which will effectively hand to them the nukes to vaporize Israel, all the while claiming it will stop them from reaching that goal. Our "government" is crafting this suicide pact while the Iranians are publicly screaming for the death of our nation, as well as Israel's.