A Reckoning is Coming by Eric Power
14 years. 9-11-2001 was 14 years ago today. At times it seems like it was a thousand years ago and other times, like it was yesterday. God bless all those who perished and the families they left behind. God bless our soldiers who still fight to this day, this never-ending war against Evil. An evil, like ISIS, that has distilled itself into a demonic purity. Raping women. Children. Crucifying them.
Drowning Christians in shark cages, while videotaping their deaths. Immolation, decapitation; nothing is taboo for these cretins. This battle has never been more clear than it is today, yet it seems so muddy in the way that we compromise and negotiate and turn our heads from what we should be taking notice of. It's the epitome of irony that on this anniversary of 9-11, we are on the precipice of a deal with Iran, which will effectively hand to them the nukes to vaporize Israel, all the while claiming it will stop them from reaching that goal. Our "government" is crafting this suicide pact while the Iranians are publicly screaming for the death of our nation, as well as Israel's.
Had you told me 14 years ago that this would happen, I would have looked upon you as a madman. But now in 2015, welcome to The United States of Delirium. Upside down and plunging headfirst towards Hell. Are we past the point of no return? Can we arrest our downward spiral? I'm not hopeful. In fact, I'm downright bleak. I beg for God's forgiveness for myself, my country. But I don't know, if I were Him, if I would grant it. When we are a nation Hell-bent on our self-destruction, what is there to forgive? You forgive mistakes, ignorance. Not willful acts of insanity and malice. I truly don't recognize my country anymore. I haven't, really, for quite some time, but these days it is like looking in the mirror and seeing a total stranger staring back at me.
It's not just about Iran or the Middle East. There's also Planned Parenthood and the Josef Mengele malevolence that we have allowed to occur for the past 43 years. I thought in my naïveté that it couldn't possibly get worse than what I've already seen and heard. What a FOOL I am. Evil knows no boundaries. It turns out that in order to procure that "essential specimen", babies are sometimes subjected to vivisection. For those who are not aware of the definition of that word, it means to dissect a specimen while it's still living. And in the case of Planned Parenthood, that means a living, breathing, feeling baby. They're cutting the face off of a baby to remove the brain!!! But hey, nothing to see here! Caitlyn Jenner is on the other channel! She's a hero, that girl! The New England Patriots and DeflateGate! Now that's important news! Miley Cyrus is wagging her butt with her tongue hanging out like a dog in heat! No longer do we have the luxury of ignorance!! We can turn our head to the horror before us, but we cannot say that we didn't know it was happening. Silence has a price! My favorite quote of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor who rebelled against the Nazi machine - "Silence in the face of evil, is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Now I'm not sure how to act. But I will speak. To my dying breath. And it may not change anything. But I will speak.
Pardon me for my melancholy mood tonight.
But it is so hard watching this. It would be like watching someone you love die slowly and painfully from the reckless abuse of heroin.
From where I stand, I just can't foresee an ending that doesn't look like The Book of Revelations. And maybe that's the point. A reckoning is a-comin' folks. There's nothing we can do to stop it; the runaway train is rolling too fast now. All we can do is be on the right side of God when that time comes. When it does, may He find it within Him to bestow upon our broken, pitiful, nation some much needed, but wholly undeserved mercy. As always, thank you for reading and God Bless.
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